Farm Flock/Wildlife

SWEETLIX is going to the birds

The popularity of backyard flocks is growing every day. No longer confined only to farms, raising poultry is becoming a hobby shared by both rural and urban enthusiasts. With this in mind, the SWEETLIX® Farm Flock Supplement Block was developed as a convenient, all-purpose supplement to any type of poultry ration. This block has many features.

As a backyard flock owner, we know that you want the best for your birds. You buy the best feed available to keep your birds healthy and happy. However, sometimes due to either lack of feed choices or a mistaken purchase of the wrong kind of feed, birds can lack necessary nutrients. The SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Block is designed to provide supplemental protein, energy, minerals and vitamins---just in case. Think of it as insurance against nutritional deficiencies! Also, since birds are very competitive at feeding time, not all birds get equal amounts to eat. They don’t call it a pecking order for nothing! Because SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Blocks are available around-the-clock, all birds have equal access and everyone can get what they need.

The SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Block contains oyster shell as both a source of grit and as an additional source of calcium. Birds have a digestive system unlike any other livestock species. While they are monogastric omnivores like us (single stomach and eat both plants and animals), they don’t have teeth so need to grind their food in a powerful organ called the crop. The muscular crop needs something hard to grind against feed to break it up. This is the reason birds pick up and swallow small rocks and grit.

I mentioned protein, but did you know that all protein is not created equal when it comes to feeding birds? Unlike ruminants and horses that can manufacture amino acids (the building blocks of protein) via the microbes in their digestive system to overcome some deficiencies, birds only get what you feed them. Some amino acids are harder to come by than others. Of these, methionine and lysine are the hardest. This is why the SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Block specifically contains guaranteed levels of both methionine and lysine to make sure your birds get these essential, limiting amino acids.

One look at the SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Block lets you know that it’s different from typical blocks. Chocked full of healthy, whole grains, this block provides balanced nutrition from all parts of the grain. Energy comes from the natural, unprocessed oils and carbohydrates found in these grains. Removing these whole grains from the block also satisfies the birds’ natural pecking tendencies. This in turn, can help to alleviate some of the aggressive behavior between birds.

The SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Block also delivers essential minerals and vitamins needed by all classes of birds. These supplemental nutrients nicely round out what is provided by the commercial feed of your choice and natural scavenging. Please remember that the SWEETLIX Farm Flock Supplement Block is truly a supplement and not a substitute for the proper commercial feed mixture.

Ask for the SWEETIX Farm Flock Supplement Block by name at your local dealer or call 1-87-SWEETLIX to speak with a SWEETLIX nutritionist.