I'm a big believer in using mineral to solve problems in the long run. We use SWEETLIX mineral here at Buckhorn Creek. We run a cow/calf operation and it's very important for our cows to cycle early and to raise a good healthy calf. Here in Southern Oklahoma, we're about 30 miles North of Ardmore, Oklahoma. We run on both improved grass, Bermuda grass and a lot of native grass and SWEETLIX mineral just does us a superb job. The cattle consumption is what they say it should be and with the mineral feeders that we use, SWEETLIX works just perfect. We don't get any waste. It never fails when our embryologist shows up, he always comments on how great of shape the cows are in and how healthy the calves look. Our customers reap the benefit of that as we do by keeping the cattle in good shape and having reproductively sound and healthy calves. With us raising embryo calves for our customers, it's important that those calves are healthy when we wean them and have had good weight gain. It all just goes hand in hand with using the right mineral and we're extremely happy with SWEETLIX.